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Expired Adult Keelboat Certification 2 – 2019

ASA-101 is a beginner course for adult sailors with no previous experience, taught by certified American Sailing Association instructors, all whom have at least 10 years’ experience sailing. The boats used for ASA-101 are weighted-keel sloop-rigged sailboats, at 22 feet in length. After your ASA-101 certification, you’ll know what all of that means. For now, just know that they are very stable and safe and perfect for someone with no experience. This is the best course for any adult interested in sailing. By the end of the course you’ll be able to comfortably sail your own vessel up to 27′ in length, or serve as crew on a sailing vessel.

Each class meets for four sessions of three hours each. Each class is three students, led by an onboard instructor. After you register, you’ll be mailed your included copy of ASA’s new text Sailing Made Easy. On your first day you’ll also receive an ASA Official Logbook, a Rules of the Road hand-out, as well as USCG Federal Requirements. ASA-101 Certification is available to members of the ASA who successfully complete the course. If you’re not yet a member, you can join the ASA at the completion of the course as well.

For those who have previous experience sailing and would like to test-out for a certification, you may take the ASA-101 Basic Keelboat Challenge. Demonstrate your basic skills on the boat, and the pass the written exam to receive your ASA-101 Certification.

ASA Membership is $39 at completion of the course if you wish to be ASA Certified.

Our list of policies regarding refunds, safety, and weather is available here: Policies

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  June 3, 2019
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  •  June 5, 2019
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  •  June 10, 2019
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  •  June 12, 2019
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Venue Phone: (715) 808-4114

18 Buckeye St, Hudson, Wisconsin, 54016, United States


We are located at the south end of 1st Street in Riverfront Park, just outside the gate to the marina.  There are a couple of buildings and many sailboats in the area.  Parking is available on 1st Street.

Drop Off & Pick Up of Kids:
Staff will be on hand to scan your ticket at drop off and pick up of your student.  Parents/guardians in vehicles can now drop off kids without leaving your car!  Please print or bring up your ticket on your cell phone to speed the process.  Ticket and ID will be required for pick up of youths.

Adult Students:
The school is your primary meeting point, but your instructor may give you alternate locations for parking and lessons based upon boat locations in the harbor.

Contact Us:
The best way to reach us is the Contact Us page, or by replying to any emails you may have received.

Mailing Address:
Saint Croix Sailing School
PO Box 732
Hudson, WI 54016